Abortion in Texas

Are you considering abortion in Texas? We understand this pregnancy may not have been in your plans. The compassionate medical staff at Mid Cities Women’s Clinic is here to help you navigate your options and empower you to make an informed decision! 

Confirm Your Pregnancy

The first step is to confirm your pregnancy. Mid Cities Women’s Clinic provides free pregnancy tests and (limited) ultrasounds to determine how far along you are, check to see if it is developing in the proper place within the uterus, and also see if there is a heartbeat to determine if this pregnancy is viable or non-viable.

If your ultrasound determines that the pregnancy isn’t viable, you won’t even need to make that decision as your pregnancy will end on its own and it’s pertinent that you follow up with an OB/GYN to provide care. 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage naturally.

Be Informed

Next, be informed about the different types of abortion and their associated risks. If your pregnancy is viable and you’re still considering abortion, there’s a few questions you need to ask first!

What is Surgical Abortion and How Does it Work?

In a surgical abortion, a suction device is used to remove the embryo from the uterus through the vagina. This procedure is performed at an abortion clinic and you are sent home the same day. However, if complications arise, you may need emergency care. 

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

Although it’s referred to as a pill (singular), the abortion pill actually consists of two medications: mifepristone and misoprostol.

Mifepristone is taken first, usually in an abortion clinic. This medication cuts the supply of the hormone progesterone to the embryo, which is needed to maintain the pregnancy. Without a steady supply of progesterone, the embryo stops growing. Misoprostol is taken 24-48 hours later at home. This medication causes the uterus to contract and expel the embryo, which ends the pregnancy.

What are the Risks of Abortion?

  • Uterine Perforation. Uterine perforation occurs when one of the instruments used in surgical abortion accidentally nicks the uterine lining which can lead to a potential hysterectomy if the bleeding won’t stop.
  • Organ Perforation and Spinal Damage. Not only can the uterus be perforated, but the bowels (large intestine) are also closely next to the uterus and can be nicked or cut as well which can lead to major abdominal surgery and possible abdominal infection. The spine is directly behind the uterus which can be potentially damaged and cause paralysis or other long-term spinal or nerve damage issues.
  • Hemorrhaging. A hemorrhage is a severe condition in which the body continues to bleed excessively and can be life-threatening. This condition needs medical intervention to prevent further blood loss from happening and prevent any secondary conditions due to this extreme blood loss. If it is to the point that providers are unable to stop the blood loss from slowing down, they may have to remove your uterus (hysterectomy), to stop the bleeding and save your life. This can happen with both medicated and surgical abortions.
  • Incomplete Abortion. The procedure may not successfully remove all of the fetal tissue. This can occur due to surgical abortion or the abortion pill. Emergency medical treatment may be required to prevent infection[1]. 1 in 12 medicated abortions will still require surgical interventions as they could be partial or incomplete.
  • Asherman Syndrome. Asherman Syndrome is a condition in which ​​scar tissue forms inside the uterus. This can occur as a result of multiple surgical abortions, making it difficult to become pregnant in the future[2].
  • Negative Impact on Future Pregnancies. Studies have shown a link between surgical abortion and an increased risk of premature birth and low birth weight in future pregnancies[2].
  • Allergic Reaction. Although rare, it is possible to go into anaphylactic shock after taking vaginal misoprostol if you’re allergic to any ingredients in the medication[3].
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Bacteria can enter the reproductive tract during a surgical abortion, causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)[4].
  • Infection. Anytime you introduce an item into the uterus, you risk bringing bacteria into the reproductive system, which can cause an infection. If you currently have an STI and have either a chemical or surgical abortion, this increases your chance of developing a severe infection as well, not only in the reproductive tract but also your bloodstream if there is access due to any cuts or tearing. A blood infection (sepsis) is a serious condition that needs treatment at a hospital ASAP. Make sure to get tested and treated before going through any procedure.

Get the unbiased medical information needed to make a fully informed decision for your unplanned pregnancy at Mid Cities Women’s Clinic! We’re happy to answer all of your questions!

Get Tested for STIs

It’s crucial to get tested for STIs regularly, as many don’t have obvious symptoms. Additionally, having STIs while getting a surgical or medicated abortion can increase your risk of developing a post-abortive infection and can even cause issues in the future with an increased risk of infertility and increased risk of future ectopic pregnancies. 

Mid Cities Women’s Clinic provides free STI testing and treatment so you can protect your health! 

Abortion Information in Fort Worth, TX 

Our compassionate team is ready to serve you. Get the facts you need and the care you deserve at Mid Cities Women’s Clinic! 

Call us at (817) 577-4387, text us at (817) 512-8572, or schedule your appointment online. All services are free and confidential!

Please be aware that Mid Cities Women’s Clinic does not provide or refer for abortion services. 


  1. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2020, December 2). Abortion – Surgical. MedlinePlus. Retrieved from https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002912.htm 
  2. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, August 3). Elective Abortion: Does it Affect Subsequent Pregnancies? Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/getting-pregnant/expert-answers/abortion/faq-20058551 
  3. Shin, Hyun Joo, et al. “Anaphylactic Shock to Vaginal Misoprostol: A Rare Adverse Reaction to a Frequently Used Drug.” PubMed Central (PMC), 9 Aug. 2018, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137020
  4. “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Symptoms, Treatments and Causes.” Cleveland Clinic, 23 Nov. 2020, my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9129-pelvic-inflammatory-disease-pid

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