
Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?

Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?

Any time you have unprotected sex, there is a possibility you could get pregnant, including while on your period. Although the chances are low, it can still happen, so it's important to know your next steps. Keep reading to find out more. A typical menstrual cycle...

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work and are They Accurate?

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work and are They Accurate?

You might wonder if home pregnancy tests provide accurate results. Regardless of how you feel about being pregnant, there are a few things you should know about home pregnancy tests.  How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?  About 10 days after conception (when a sperm...

Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Healthy relationships are essential for your well-being, so it’s important to guard yourself from those who have potential to cause hurt or pain in your life.  Since no person is perfect. it’s no wonder relationships experience tough times.   Unhealthy...

Pregnant? What You Should Know

Pregnant? What You Should Know

When you found out you were pregnant, there were probably a lot of thoughts running through your head, raw escalated emotions flying by as you wrap your mind around the fact that your pregnancy test is indeed - positive. This was not your plan, we understand. We want...

She’s Pregnant, What Now?

She’s Pregnant, What Now?

Did your girlfriend, partner, wife, or a casual hook-up tell you she’s pregnant? Are you wondering what to do or say? Maybe you’ve been here before but you feel like you didn’t handle it right. What matters now is where you go and what you do from here. Wherever you...

Pregnant and in School?

Pregnant and in School?

It can be incredibly scary finding out you’re pregnant while you’re in school. Maybe you’re wondering what your family and friends will say. Or maybe now is not the time. Maybe this isn’t your first scare. Well, you’re not alone. Do you know that over 2 million...

Things to Know When Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

Things to Know When Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy

The first thing you should know when facing an unplanned pregnancy is: Mid Cities Women's Clinic provides free, medical, confidential, and compassionate care for you. You deserve to receive accurate, unbiased information and feel supported so that you can make the...

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